Dr. Oscar Vidal

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References and reviews

We would like to invite our patients to write their testimonials for our website concerning their experience.
We would like to thank you very much for your frank and disinterested involvement in expressing your opinions regarding our exclusive treatment.

LEGAL NOTE: The opinions expressed by the testimonials published here are the sole responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the point of view of Dr. Oscar Vidal.

Suprarrenalectomia endoscópica unilateral

ENCARNACION Moyano, 24-12-2020

El Dr.Vidal me operó el dia 27 de Noviembre de un feocromocitoma de la glándula suprarrenal derecha y es un gran cirujano tanto a nivel humano como profesional.

Lo recomiendo sin dudar. Muchas gracias doctor

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Phone number


(sense assegurança mèdica)


(veure les condicions de la seva pòlissa)

Tel. +34 678 43 08 97

       +34 93 227 93 91




Dr. Òscar Vidal Pérez

Barnaclínic + Grup Hospital Clínic

Villarroel, 170

08036 Barcelona

Tel: +34 93 227 93 91

+ 34 678430897


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Dr. OSCAR VIDAL© 2024. Todos los derechos reservados.

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